69 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Internal Marketing in Public Universities in Kenya (A Case of Dedan Kimathi University of Technology)

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    Purpose: Internal marketing is a considerably new concept in the marketing field as it was brought into perspective thirty years ago. Due to its age, it has taken a considerably long period to be fully implemented in many institutions, both public and private worldwide. This research was based on the factors affecting internal marketing in public universities in Kenya (a case study of Dedan Kimathi University of Technology). The research was limited to the university since it provided an adequate area for getting the necessary information on internal marketing strategies. As per the definition, it is the act of selling the organization to the external customer through the employees, who are the internal customers. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: To investigate the extent to which management incompetence prevails in Dedan Kimathi University of Technology; To assess the extent to which the knowledge of Internal Marketing has been adopted in Dedan Kimathi University of Technology; To explore the extent to which employee engagement in decision-making is embraced in Dedan Kimathi University of Technology; To examine the extent to which inadequate appreciation  and reward of employees affect IM; and To investigate the extent to which information protection affects IM in Dedan Kimathi University of TechnologyMethodology: The literature review was based on the former researches concerning the topic, which is mostly based on international journals. Descriptive design was used to undertake the study as it is concerned with answering questions such as who, how, what, which, when, how much and to what extent.Findings: According to the findings, it is evident that managerial incompetence, misunderstanding of the internal marketing concept, failure to involve employees in policy formulation and information affect implementation of internal marketing in the public universities. Keywords: Service Triangle; External marketing; Interactive marketing; Internal marketin

    Effect of Guidance and Counselling on Pupils in Public Primary Schools in Makadara Division of Nairobi Province

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    Purpose: This study aimed at assessing the effect of of guidance and counseling on pupils in primary schools in Makadara Division, Nairobi Province. The specific objectives of the study are: (i) to assess the extent to which primary schools in Makadara Division of Nairobi province have adopted counseling and guidance; and to evaluate the effect of guidance and counseling services on pupils of primary schools in Makadara division of Nairobi Province.Methodology: A survey of primary schools in Makadara Division, Nairobi Province was adopted for the study. The study too the form of descriptive survey, which is a scientific study done to describe a phenomena or an object. The study utilized a combination of both quantitative and qualitative techniques in the collection of secondary and primary data. A questionnaire, which was the main data collection instrument, enabled the researcher to gather in-depth information on phenomena under investigation. The researcher also used interview schedules, which had open questions, aimed at meeting the objectives of the study. In addition, observation method was used in confirming the questionnaire responses.Data Analysis: In order to analyze and present information related to the profile of the respondents, graphs, charts, percentages and frequencies were used. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to aid in analysis. Findings: The findings of the study indicate that Benefits of an Effective School Counseling and Guidance Program include the following:- (i) Benefits to pupils: - guarantees services to all pupils; focuses on pupils’ needs; develops proactive skills for all pupils; provides age-appropriate levels of interaction and instruction; and helps pupils become more resourceful in decision making; (ii) Benefits to parents:- encourages involvement of parents in pupils’; learning environment; provides parents timely, appropriate support and resources when needed; increases opportunities for parent, student and counselor interaction; and brings about better understanding of the guidance and counseling program; and (iii) Teachers:- promotes a team effort to address school counseling competencies; increases teacher accessibility to counselor as a multiple resource; integrates curricula and associated competencies; and integrates interdisciplinary approach with all curricular areas. Keywords: Guidance; Counseling; Public School

    Market Segmentation by Commercial Banks in Kenya

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    The current study has examined the market segmentation practices of the commercial banks in Kenya by commercial banks in Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to analyze the extent to which market segmentation strategy is used in service provision by the commercial banks in Kenya; to assess the factors that influence market segmentation by commercial banks in Kenya; and to evaluate challenges to effective implementation of market segmentation. A descriptive design was used to undertake the current study. In this case, it was possible for the researcher to administer the data collection tools to the respondents in their workstations, which was relatively easy, with high likelihood of increasing the response rate. The population of interest in this study was all the commercial banks in Kenya. According to the Central Bank of Kenya report as at 30th June 2008, there were 42 commercial banks in Kenya. A census was considered for the study owing to the fact the all the commercial banks have their offices strategically located within the Nairobi Central Business District and its environs. The study respondents from each of the banks were the heads of business development or their equivalent since they are the people charged with the responsibility of spearheading the strategic direction of their organization’s business. Primary data was collected from the respondents using Semi-structured questionnaires. The researcher used interview schedules with open questions, aimed at meeting the objectives of the study. For purposes of the current study, the data was analyzed by employing descriptive statistics such as percentages, mean scores and standard deviations. Descriptive statistics was used to describe the basic features of the data in the study. Descriptive Statistics is used to present quantitative descriptions in a manageable form and aid in simplifying large amounts of data in a sensible way. Each descriptive statistic reduces lots of data into a simpler summary. For purposes of presentation, frequency tables, charts and bar graphs were used. Findings of the study show that the segmentation used by commercial banks in Kenya include behavioral, demographic, psychographic/Lifestyle, benefits, usage, loyalty, image, situation and geographic. The factors that influence adoption of market segmentation by commercial banks in Kenya includes; changing customer preferences, competition and technological Changes. Other influencing factors include; customer retention and quality services. Challenges to effective implementation of market segmentation include political factors, technological factors, legal factors, resource constrains, competition, different customer social backgrounds, religious background, and different customer preferences. Keywords: Market segmentation, Commercial banks, Changing customer preferences, Competition, Technological changes, Customer retention, Quality service

    Factors Affecting Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in the Kenyan Sugar Industry (A Case of Mumias Sugar Company LTD)

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    It was found necessary to undertake this study so as to bridge the knowledge gap as concerns the factors that affect the adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning systems. The specific objectives of the study were: to establish the role of Perceived Ease of Use of Enterprise Resource Planning in its adoption; to evaluate the effect of Perceived Usefulness of Enterprise Resource Planning on its adoption; and to determine the effects of individual perception towards the adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning. The study focused on Mumias Sugar Company. The population of interest was the employees of the company who are current users of the Systems Applications Product Enterprise Resource Planning, drawn from the three categories of staff as presented in the organizational structure - Heads of departments, Managers and Supervisors, whose number stood at 200 as at 31st December 2009. A semi-structured questionnaire was the main data collection instrument. The researcher also used interview schedules with open questions, aimed at meeting the objectives of the study. Primary data were analyzed by employing descriptive statistics such as percentages. The responses indicate that perceived ease of use was a key factor in determining adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning in Mumias Sugar Company. The employees embraced change of technology with anticipation for better performance, which further enhanced the adoption of Systems Applications Product Enterprise Resource Planning in the company. In line with perceived ease of use, the other factors that influenced the adoption of Systems Applications Product Enterprise Resource Planning in Mumias Sugar Company include the perceived feeling of comfort when using Systems Applications Product Enterprise Resource Planning, the user friendliness of Systems Applications Product Enterprise Resource Planning, the speed with which Systems Applications Product Enterprise Resource Planning processed transactions and the ability of the users to get support when using Systems Applications Product Enterprise Resource Planning. The findings also show that Perceived Usefulness is an important factor in determining the adaptation of innovations. The higher the perceived usefulness of the Enterprise Resource Planning system, the higher the chances that it would be adopted. Moreover, the degree to which an individual believes that using a particular system would enhance his or her job performance enhances the chances of adopting the system and the more the suitable the system is to the work ethic of the users the higher the acceptance rate. Further, the findings show that attitudes are a significant predictor of behavior. In addition, though individual attitude is necessary in determining adoption of new technologies, it is not sufficient condition for success. Certainly attitude may not strongly determine the intentions of an individual at the workplace regarding performance when additional factors e.g. usefulness are taken into account independently. Keywords: Enterprise Resource Planning, Perceived Ease of Use, Systems Applications Product, Legacy Systems, Perceived Usefulness, Material Requirements Planning, Business Processe

    Response to Business Turbulence by Kenya Commercial Bank

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    Purpose: Understanding the environmental changes in the banking sector and their effect on banking business could help the players in the banking industry develop rational strategies to effectively respond. This study sought to examine the strategic responses to business turbulence by Kenya Commercial Bank. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to determine the environmental factors that affect the business of Commercial Banks in Kenya; to  establish the strategic responses which have been employed by Kenya Commercial Bank to cope with the business turbulence; and to suggest possible response mechanisms that could be used by Kenya Commercial Bank.Methods: The survey method was used to collect data. Since the Kenya Commercial Bank branches to be studied are located in Nairobi and its environs, the researcher administered the questionnaires by hand delivery. In addition, the researcher conducted personal interviews with ten randomly selected respondents using a list of open ended questions, aimed at clarifying certain issues that had not been well responded to in the questionnaires. Analysis: The data pertaining to profile of respondents was analyzed by employing content analysis while descriptive statistics were used to analyze data pertaining to objectives of the study. The findings pertaining to the three objectives of the study were presented in form of frequency tables, percentages, charts, graphs and mean scores. Results: Findings of the study show that the factors that environmental factors causing business turbulence include an unstable political climate, Government regulations liberalization of the financial sector, socio-cultural factors, abrupt and rapid changes in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), competition and changing Customer Preferences. The responses to business turbulence by Kenya Commercial Bank include adoption of product diversification, market differentiation, increased branch network, personal selling, offering products and services online, reduction of premiums costs and related charges. Keywords: Turbulence, Kenya Commercial Bank

    Drivers for Implementation of E-Business in the Insurance Sector in Kenya

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    This study sought to examine the drivers for adoption of e- business by insurance companies in Kenya. A descriptive research design was used to undertake the study. The population from which the study was undertaken was all the companies licensed to undertake insurance business in Kenya, whose number stood at 43 as at June 2013. A representative sample of 26 insurance companies, representing 60% the whole population was selected at random, which is within the limits of the generally accepted statistical conditions. Primary data was collected with the aid of a semi-structured questionnaire. Content analysis was employed for data pertaining to the background of the respondents and Company while data pertaining to the objectives of the study was analyzed by employing descriptive statistics such as frequencies, mean and standard deviations. Descriptive statistics are used to describe the basic features of the data in a study. Results: Findings of the study show that the factors influencing implementation of e-business in the insurance sector in Kenya are categorized into two - technological and managerial. Keywords: Business value; E-Business; Insurance companie

    Factors Affecting Career Development of Women Employees in the Banking Industry in Kenya

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    Despite banking being a female-dominated industry, women are still under-represented in management and senior management. Thus, the present study seeks to examine the relative importance of individual, interpersonal, and organizational variables for women’s advancement in management in the banking industry in Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: To evaluate the factors that would contribute to women’s career advancement in the banking sector in Kenya; (2) To assess the current organizational practices affecting women's career advancement in the banking sector in Kenya; and (3) To analyze the possible organizational practices that would be supportive of women’s career advancement in the banking sector in Kenya. A case study design was used to undertake the study, focusing on all the commercial banks in Kenya that are licensed by the Central Bank of Kenya to undertake banking business whose number stood at 42 as at 31 December, 2013 (CBK, 2013). There were two respondents from each institution, the head of the human resources function and another senior officer of the opposite sex. The study was undertaken in Nairobi since all the commercial banks have their head offices strategically located in Nairobi and lasted two months, from August to September, 2008. A representative sample of 21 banks participated in the study. The study findings reveal a considerable understanding of the qualities that are part of work environments that are supportive of the career aspirations of women (and men). These include: top management support and commitment to the exercise, the explicit use of gender in decision-making in recruitment, career planning and employee development, the development of policies and procedures consistent with the goal of supporting women, the provision of rewards for providing the required support and achieving agreed upon goals for women's advancement, and becoming a model (in the wider community) of what can be accomplished through commitment, resources and effort. In view of the findings, the following recommendations are made:- Family-friendly policies: Eight items including: a good corporate daycare centre; a referral service to agencies providing domestic or childcare help when needed; part-time work arrangements which still permitted promotion; Time off work: Five items including: flexible vacation arrangements; a shorter working week; flexible working hours to manage personal and work life better; Career development programme: Three items including: support in career counseling, career planning and career pathing; psychological and health counseling; formal mentoring programme to develop skills of junior managers and professionals; and Training and challenging work: Three items including: financial support for management development outside the organization; challenging work assignments; training for career mobility. Keywords: Career development, Women, Banking industr

    Constraints to Expansion of the Telecommunication Sector in Kenya

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    The telecommunication industry is among key economic pillars of many economies today. Through the growth of this industry, developing nations such as China and India have been able to record massive economic growth. This study has established that for Kenya to match the economic growth rates being experienced ion other developing nations there is need to spur the growth of the telecommunication industry.  The study thus focused on determining the challenges that are hindering the Kenyan telecommunication industry from attaining growth rates experienced in other countries. Possible solutions to these challenges were also proposed. The study divided the challenges into industry based and customer based challenges. The study was conducted across all telecommunication service providers in Meru County, Kenya with results being generalised to represent the entire industry situation. Assessed industry based challenges were inter-firm competition and changing technology. The two challenges were analysed using a 3-point Likert scale to determine the extent to which they affected growth of the telecommunication industry; both factor recorded average weights of 2.6 implying that the two factors affected the industry growth almost to a similar extent. Assessed customer based challenges were inadequate customer loyalty and changing tastes and preferences. Based on 3-point Likert scale, it was established that changing customer tastes and preferences with an average weight of 2.51 affect the industry’s growth than changing customer loyalty, which recorded an average weight of 2.41. The research also established that if implemented, the proposed solutions to both customer - based and industry based challenges would result to increased growth of the telecommunications industry. Keywords: Telecommunication sector, Industry based challenges, Customer based challenge

    Drivers for Lesson Planning in Pre-Schools in Kenya (A Case of Allen Grove School, Nairobi)

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    Achieving quality in lessons depends not only upon the teacher's ability to present material but also to analyze learning outcomes and assess the pedagogical communication. This study was guided by the following specific objectives: to assess determine the benefits of lesson planning; to analyze the factors that influence the effectiveness of lesson planning; and to evaluate the qualities of an effective lesson plan. A descriptive survey was undertaken using a representative sample of 18 pre-school teachers, who represented 67% of the total of 27 teachers of Allen Grove School. The main data collection tools were a questionnaire, interview schedules and disguised observation method. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to aid in analysis. Findings of the study indicate that the following were listed as the benefits derived from lesson planning at Allen Grove School:- Giving a sense of direction; Helping students become aware of the lesson objectives and the learning tasks they are asked to perform; classroom management purposes; Helping teachers to solve, in advance, teaching problems; and Reducing anxiety on the part of students and, especially the teacher. The factors that influence the effectiveness of lesson planning in Allen Grove School were listed as follows:- Relevant expertise; Participatory planning; Adequate time allocation; Whole package of programmes; Team work; Learners’ learning experience; Flexibility and linkage between lesson plans and schemes of work; Focus on learning and teaching; Resource allocation; and Institutionalized Quality assurance systems. An effective lesson plan is characterized by the following:- having clear objectives; Pre-assessment of the lesson plan; available list of required  materials; Warm-up and introduction; Presentation; Learning Activities; adequate practice (Applying What Is Learned); Evaluation; Closure; and reflection. Keywords: Lesson Planning, Pre-school

    Capital Budgeting Methods and Performance of Water Services Boards in Kenya

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    One management practice that has been widely adopted by corporations is capital budgeting. The current study sought to establish the relationship between capital budgeting methods and performance of water services boards in Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to identify the capital budgeting techniques employed by the Water Services Boards in Kenya; to assess the factors that influence the choice of the capital budgeting techniques used by the Water Services Boards in Kenya; and to evaluate the relationship between capital budgeting techniques and organizational performance. A review of literature related to the study area was undertaken in order to eliminate duplication of what has been done and provide a clear understanding of existing knowledge base in the problem area. The literature review is based on authoritative, recent, and original sources such as journals, books, thesis and dissertations. A descriptive design was to identity the relationship between capital budgeting techniques and performance in water services boards in Kenya, whose number stood at 8 as at June 2008. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data from the respondents. Since all the Water Boards have websites and reliable internet connection, the researcher sent the questionnaires to the respondents outside Nairobi by email. The Boards whose Head offices are located in Nairobi received their questionnaires by hand delivery. A letter of introduction, stating the purpose of the study was attached to each questionnaire. In addition, the researcher made telephone calls to the respective respondents to further explain the purpose of the study and set a time frame for the completion of the questionnaires. Once completed, the researcher personally collected the questionnaires from respondents in Nairobi, while those from outside Nairobi were received online. Findings of the study indicate that the capital budgeting techniques used by Water Services Boards in Kenya include Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Profitability Index, Average Rate of Return and Payback Period. The findings further show that the Factors that Influence the choice of capital budgeting techniques include: - Cost of debt to the Water Service Board, either from public or private sources; Internal Rate of Return; Average cost of capital for its stakeholders; Average rate of return on equity invested by the Water Services Boards; and Risk associated with the project. The findings also point at a positive relationship between usage of capital budgeting techniques and organizational performance. Improved access to funding to undertake projects and informed decision making were cited by the respondents as being the major benefits of adoption of capital budgeting techniques. Keywords: Capital Budgeting, Performance, Water Services Board
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